
Best Man Duties:

A Useful Guide for Wedding Success

Do you know what your best man duties are if you have a wedding coming up? You should.

Being asked to be the best man at a wedding is a tremendous honor and a testament to the deep bond you share with the groom. But with great honor comes great responsibility.

You might be wondering, "What does a best man do?" Well, buckle up because we're about to dive into the duties of a best man to ensure the groom's big day goes off without a hitch.

The Role of the Best Man

First things first, let’s define what are best man duties. The best man is the groom's right-hand person, the go-to guy. He’s the one who makes sure everything relating to the wedding runs smooth as butter. From planning the bachelor party to giving a great speech, the best man plays a critical role in the wedding.

Pre-Wedding Responsibilities

Plan the Bachelor Party

One of the most anticipated duties is planning the bachelor party. This event is a celebration of the groom's last days being single, so it’s important to tailor it to his preferences.

Your job is to organize an event that the groom and his friends will cherish, whether it's a wild night out or a quiet weekend getaway. It’s one of your best man duties. When planning the bachelor party, consider activities that the groom loves. If he’s an adrenaline junkie, think about organizing a skydiving trip or a day at a race track. If he prefers something more laid-back, then a weekend at a cabin or a day of golfing might be more his speed.

The key is to make a day (or weekend) the groom will enjoy and remember fondly.

Help with Wedding Preparations

In the lead-up to the wedding, the best man assists with many different tasks. These might include:

Suit fittings: Coordinating with the groomsmen to check that their suits are ordered and fitted and picked up on time. It’s your responsibility to send reminders of appointments and see that all the suits fit perfectly for the day.

Logistics: Helping the groom with transport arrangements and accommodation bookings or any other logistical details. It may involve booking limos or organizing car pools or even arranging accommodations for out-of-town guests.

Rehearsal: Attending and possibly coordinating the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. This way, everyone knows their roles and the event timeline. Make sure everyone is clear on where they need to be and when and that they know the order of events for the ceremony.

On the Wedding Day

Manage the Groomsmen

On the big day, the best man is responsible for managing the groomsmen. This includes making sure they are on time and properly dressed and know their duties. Then you still need to keep track of everyone and see to it that they’re where they need to be.

Keep the Groom Calm

Wedding days can be stressful. One of your main roles is to keep the groom calm and focused. Be the reassuring presence he needs. Handle any minor issues that arise and check if he’s ready to walk down the aisle. That could mean being a sounding board for last-minute nerves or just being there to keep him company while he waits.

Hold the Rings

A top best man wedding duty is holding onto the wedding rings until the moment they’re needed during the ceremony. Keep them safe and don’t lose sight of them! Consider keeping them in a secure pocket or a special ring box so they don’t get lost.

Give the Toast

Your speech is one of the highlights of the reception. Prepare a heartfelt and memorable toast that celebrates the couple and their journey together. Remember to strike the right balance between humor and sentiment. Practice your speech ahead of time. If you’re nervous, consider writing it down and reading from your notes.

Post-Wedding Duties

Ensure Everyone Gets Home Safely

You’ll want to make sure everyone gets home safely at the end of the night, especially if alcohol was served or available. Arrange for transport if necessary. This might involve calling cabs, organizing designated drivers, or arranging for rideshare services.

Return Rented Items

After the celebrations, return any rented suits or items. This is a small but important task to help the newlyweds enjoy their honeymoon without worrying about logistics. Check that you know where and when everything needs to be returned, and handle it ASAP.

Best Man Duties Checklist

To keep you on track, here’s a checklist of best man duties:

Before the Wedding:

  • Plan the bachelor party.
  • Help with suit fittings.
  • Assist with logistical preparations.
  • Attend the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.

On the Wedding Day:

  • Manage the groomsmen.
  • Keep the groom calm.
  • Hold the rings safely.
  • Give your toast.

After the Wedding:

  • Ensure guests get home safely.
  • Return rented items.

Tips for Being an Exceptional Best Man

Communicate Regularly

Stay in contact with the groom and other members of the wedding party. Clear communication keeps everybody on the same page so that no detail is overlooked. Use group chats or email chains to keep everyone informed and in synch.

Be Organized

Use a planner or an app to keep track of important dates and tasks. Organization is a must for fulfilling your duties. Make lists. Set reminders. Keep all relevant information handy.

Be Supportive

Offer emotional support to the groom. Weddings can be overwhelming, and your support can make a big difference. Be there to listen and offer advice. Reassure him whenever he needs it.

Have Fun

Remember to enjoy yourself. This is a celebration of love and friendship, and you’re a key part of it. Open yourself to the experience and forge unforgettable moments. Your positive attitude and enthusiasm will spread and help make the day even more special for everyone there.

Additional Best Man Duties

Prepare for Last-Minute Emergencies

Be ready to handle any last-minute emergencies that may pop up. This could range from a wardrobe malfunction to a missing boutonniere. Keep a small emergency kit on hand with essentials like safety pins, a sewing kit, stain remover, and pain relievers.

Liaise with Vendors

Sometimes the best man may need to communicate with vendors on the wedding day. It could be to confirm arrival times or make payments or address any issues that arise. Being proactive and communicative can aid in preventing hiccups.

Assist with Photos

Help organize and gather people for photos. The photographer will likely appreciate your assistance in rounding up family members and friends for group shots. This ensures the photo session will go smoothly. If the wedding has a photo booth rental, you might also be responsible for checking that it is properly set up and ready to capture fun moments. It’s a nice way to enhance the guest experience and provide memorable keepsakes.

Wrapping Up: Your Path to Best Man Excellence

Being the best man isn’t easy, but it can be very rewarding. By following this guide, you’ll be well-prepared to support the groom and make the wedding a success.

Remember, the essence of your duties lies in your support and commitment to making the day special for the couple. Step into your role with enthusiasm. Enjoy it. As you fulfill your best man duties with grace and honor, you’ll not only contribute to an awesome wedding day but also strengthen your bond with the groom and create lasting memories.